General director of the ICM
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale
Email - Alexis
Alexis Brice is general director of the ICM; he is coordinator of team molecular basis, pathophysiology and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and of the DNA and cell bank. Alexis is also professor of medical genetics at Pierre and Marie Curie University, and hospital practitioner in neurology. He received a M.D. in 1988 and a board certification in Neurology in 1991. He was elected member at National Academy of Medicine in 2007, for the biology section, he received in 2011 the “Prix Lamonica” of Academy of Science in Neurology for this research on Parkinson’s disease and in 2012 the ROGER DE SPOELBERCH Prize for research in neurodegenerative diseases.
He has held positions in a variety of national and international scientific organizations, and is a member of the editorial board of several journals in the fields of Genetics and Neurology.
He was the first Chairman of the Institute for Neuroscience, Cognitive Sciences, Neurology and Psychiatry at Aviesan.
His research, which includes both clinical and basic research, aims at elucidating the molecular basis and physiopathological mechanisms of several hereditary neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson’s disease, frontotemporal lobar degeneration and spinocerebellar degenerations. He has published over 470 research papers with over 24000 citations.