German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)
Prof. Klockgether studied medicine at the University of Göttingen and during this time also carried out research at the Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine. After graduating, he went to Oldenburg for clinical training and then returned to the Max Planck Institute to work in basic research on Parkinson’s disease. He completed his specialist training in Tübingen, where he also began to focus on degenerative ataxias, in addition to pursuing research on Parkinson’s disease. These research lines evolved very successfully during his appointment in Bonn as Chairman of Department of Neurology. Prof. Klockgether has been the Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn from 2008 to 2011. Since February 2010 he has been Speaker of the Zentrum für seltene Erkrankungen Bonn (ZSEB) and since May 2011 Director of Clinical Research at the DZNE.
Thomas Klockgether has received numerous awards, amongst them the C3‐Schilling professorship for theoretical and clinical medicine (1993, Stifterverband) and in 1999 the “Holmes Prize” of the Fondation de l’Ataxie cérébelleuse (FAC).
Prof. Klockgether currently holds the following scientific functions:
Since 2004 he has been coordinator of the clinical part of the EUfunded project EUROSCA, since 2007 he has been speaker of the DFG Research Group “Innate Immunity” (KFO 177) and since 2008 he has been coordinator of the European RISCA project (E‐Rare program) and speaker of the Ataxia Study Group (ASG).